Family member name: Jedidiah Morse, Jr.
Lifetime: 1761 - 1826
Places lived: Woodstock, CT; Charlestown, MA; New Haven, CT
Tree branch: Pearson
Tree branch: Pearson
Relation: My 6th great-uncle (my dad's dad's mom's mom's mom's mom's dad's brother)
On display at the Museum Pavilion at Locust Grove in Poughkeepsie, NY, we saw some original volumes of Jedidiah Morse's books. I took both of these pictures. I hope to read one or more of them in digital or hard copy someday.
Jedidiah decided to provide a copy of one of his books to the first President, George Washington. Here is their correspondence to each other. (Source: )
Charlestown [Mass.] June 25th 1793
In his reply to Morse of 17 July 1793, George Washington wrote:
“I should, at an earlier moment, have acknowledged the receipt of your polite letter of the 25th of June, and returned my best thanks for the acceptable work which accompanied it, had I not been at Mount Vernon when they reached this place. You will therefore be pleased now, Sir, to accept the thanks and acknowledgements which are due for your polite attention in sending me a sett of The American Un[i]versal Geography. And, at the same time, be assured you have my best wishes that you may be amply rewarded for the time and labour spent in preparing so useful a work”
On display at the Museum Pavilion at Locust Grove in Poughkeepsie, NY, we saw some original volumes of Jedidiah Morse's books. I took both of these pictures. I hope to read one or more of them in digital or hard copy someday.
Jedidiah decided to provide a copy of one of his books to the first President, George Washington. Here is their correspondence to each other. (Source: )
Charlestown [Mass.] June 25th 1793
I do myself the honour herewith to present for your acceptance, a sett of “The American Universal Geography.”1 Compiled under the auspices of your Presidency over the United States, & describing, in a more particular manner, that distinguished country, whh is so deeply indebted to you, sir, for her present tranquillity & happiness—it is a tribute I owe you—& I most cheerfully pay it. I have only to regret that it is not more worthy of your acceptance, & that it bears so small a proportion to that gratitude & respect whh I bear for your character. With the sincerest respect, & the most earnest prayers for your health, long life, & happiness here & hereafter, I am, sir, your most obdt & humble servt2
Jedh Morse
In his reply to Morse of 17 July 1793, George Washington wrote:
“I should, at an earlier moment, have acknowledged the receipt of your polite letter of the 25th of June, and returned my best thanks for the acceptable work which accompanied it, had I not been at Mount Vernon when they reached this place. You will therefore be pleased now, Sir, to accept the thanks and acknowledgements which are due for your polite attention in sending me a sett of The American Un[i]versal Geography. And, at the same time, be assured you have my best wishes that you may be amply rewarded for the time and labour spent in preparing so useful a work”
"Father of American Geography" source: JSTOR Digital Library
National Archives: “To George Washington from Jedidiah Morse, 25 June 1793,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 13, 1 June–31 August 1793, ed. Christine Sternberg Patrick. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007, pp. 148–149.]