Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Business Deal

They were not related, but they're both related to me.  I found their business contract in the Woodstock, Connecticut Town Hall labeled "Morey to Morris".  Let's read it.

February 24, 1775 and in the 15th year of his Majesty's reign

What was Purchased
"A certain tract or parcel of land... by estimation thirty acres be the some more or less with the dwelling house and barn thereon standing and shop adjoining"

"Woodstock in the County of Windham and Colony of Connecticut in New England"

The Seller
Family member name: Ephraim Morey
Lifetime: 1710-1794
Tree branch: Pearson
Relation: My 6x great-grandfather 

The Buyer
Family member name: William Morris
Lifetime: 1740-unknown date of death (after 1790)
Tree branch: Pearson
Relation: My 5x great-grandfather

"The sum of One Hundred Pounds"

I love that my ancestors knew each other!

I scanned this document from a book of land records from the Woodstock Town Hall in 2016.

How I am related to the buyer and seller. You can see that William is from the Morris side and Ephraim is from the Titus side (both from my paternal line).

Here is the book.  There was an index at the front where I saw their names so I didn't have to look through every single page.  But I did end up looking through as many books as possible that day. This picture was taken in the 2 seconds that the lady left the room.  No pictures were allowed, but scanners were allowed. (huh?)

Woodstock Land Records, Vol 6, 1743-1787

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